
The carnage and it's effects

संहार का दृश्य चारों ओर फैला हुआ है, छूटे अवसर, गंवाया वक़्त,टूटे रिश्ते आदि, सब के अवशेष हैं यहां,कुछ मृत पड़े हैं,कुछ घायल हैं अंतिम सांसें गिन रहे हैं।यह दृश्य मनुष्य को अपने आत्म चिंतन की ओर धकेल देता है जिसमें उसे यह बोध होता है कि उसने बिना जाने कितनी क्रूरता से इन सभी को इस गति में पहुंचा दिया है। यह आत्म बोध उसे एक बोझ कि तरह लगने लगता है,जिसके भार से वह दबा चला जाता है एक अंत हीन अंध कूप में। जहां से बस वह यह देखता है कि उसके साथ के लोगों का जीवन कितना अलग और व्यवस्थित है,किसी के पास कम है किसी के पास ज्यादा पर सबका जीवन एक व्यवस्था के अनुरूप चल रहा है। फिर वह उस बोझ के साथ साथ स्वयं से घृणा करने लगता है और ये सोचने लगता है कि औरों ने उससे क्या क्या अलग किया। मनुष्य की सफलता उसको दिए जाने वाले सम्मान की सीधे आनुपातिक होती है।आम भाषा में कहें तो,आपकी औकात कितनी है,सिर्फ और सिर्फ यही कारक होता है,यही एक मापदंड होता है जो निश्चित करता है कि आपको कितना सम्मान मिलेगा। यही सत्य है,इससे अलग कोई कुछ कहे तो वह झूठा है,और ये बात सभी अपने अंतर्मन में भली भांति जानते हैं। सर्वप्रथम

A story of 'Perceptions'

  A story of Perceptions This story belongs to the part where one's realization takes place after being high on The New Drug for a long time and one day the 'trip' is over. The mind is open and sees that the relentless attitude has caused damage beyond repair. All that can be seen is carnage, and the voice inside the head cries out loud for its craving for normality. Someone told me this story one day, it was simple yet interesting in a very different way. I do not condemn or appreciate the idea behind it, instead, I find it fascinating in its own unique way, irrespective of one's involvement with The Drug. The story goes like this ,  "Once a child was born, he was fed, cleaned, and was brought up well. He grew up to be a man, he ate, slept, and lived long enough to grow old. And then he died. And so did my dog." I got the perspective of the person telling the story. But I do not agree with one thing which is what is wrong if someone wants to live a normal, si

The New Drug

PROCRASTINATION The Journey begins with the first step, and its first step is Procrastination. This is not only a step in the journey but also a state of being or living. Once you enter into the state of procrastination you gain the delusion that time is endless for you and can always 'do later' things. It affects your capacity to prioritize your life's events and responsibilities. In other words, it can easily be said as it gives you a new type of drug. This drug is according to me 200 percent more addictive than any substance knows to you, I call it 'the living in today' drug. This 'living in today' drug makes alterations in the thought process and gradually makes substantial changes in it. Once on this drug, you will remain so high that doing or working for building a future or even thinking about it will make no sense to you, it will be more like "why should I be worried about not having something in the future and not enjoy my today?" I find t

The Journey of Losing:- प्रारंभ

   The Journey of Losing Why would a human being choose to alienate itself, not from the society or the people or kiths and kind, but from its own self, its own character, the only differential thing of its whole existence? This self-deprivation leads to its weakening and eradication of its vision. The vision was once the sole axis of its whole working and functionality. What makes a human being begin the 'Journey of Losing.' If you fancy the blame game there will be a lot to go around, and most of which will come around to you, almost all actually. There were obvious circumstances that made you either choose or focus. Then other human beings made you do things or take the path which you do not wish to walk, then nature and destiny, etc and the list goes on. But if you look closely this down the hill journey began when you could neither continue on the path bestowed upon you nor have the courage to turn back and restart on the road of your choice. So this dilemma and its afterm