
Showing posts from 2020

Hate Industry:- Introduction

              Rise of Hate Industry You know we often hear in movies ' these are unprecedented times, but if you watch closely time has always been that way. The time that we are living in right now is not only unprecedented but also Depressing and full of Hatred. Go through the "NEWS" and events happening worldwide, and we can observe that our whole world, from the smallest unit to the largest accumulation is soaked in the water of Hatred. Everywhere people spitting this venom are present and working to take this thing further. In times when a pandemic has clutched everything, jobs and livelihoods are in danger and every industrial arena is in deep crisis, a new industry has boomed itself and its growth and development rate far beyond the collective capability of calculation of all the economists in the world. This industry has one product i.e. Hatred. But this product has many forms, it can change itself according to the geographic, demographic, and ...

Not a Moral Story

Not a Moral Story Once upon a time, there was a jungle, the jungle was very unique, and so were the animals living in it. Basically, there were only two types of animals wolves and Sheep. Wolves were not originally wolves, they were just cunningly evolved Sheep. Although such evolution was very rare the huge population of the jungle made it widely possible. The evolved wolves were originally selected to carry out responsibilities such as protection of the sheep, prevention of the jungle, and preservation of the law of the jungle. When the wolves assumed these positions, they felt a rush of power in their veins, and they could not let it go. So they divided the Sheep into Black And White and constantly persuaded them to understand how they are different from one another. There were some half evolved Sheep also, which deepened this division in every group. Now, whenever something wrong happened the wolves and half evolved sheep furthered their division agenda by blaming the other gro...

Challenges: the next part

  Challenges to Begin Again Why do we need to Begin Again, first we have to solidify the core reason and merge it into our thoughts. Without it we can not succeed, the Never Give Up attitude works as fire, definitely, but fire needs to be fuelled, or it's going to run out. So we need to get our reasons and causes together and believe in it's happening. These are drivers, they drive us through the challenges ahead, and yes there are going to be plenty of them, and with our level rising they also upgrade. What are these challenges? Well, there are numerous, as they vary depending upon our situations, but some are basic, and they happen almost with everyone. These are:- #1-Renovation and Reinvention: When we feel the call to Begin Again, the first and foremost thing we have to do is, Renovate or Reinvent ourselves. This does not only mean changing the physical appearance, we have to change our ways of almost everything. Like If someone is good at something that person needs to...

World Peace Day

                   Peace of Silence   Peace is very equivocal as a word, its definition varies with the quantum of time and place. Generally, the time of peace is when there is no actual war, like with blazing guns and missiles, etc. If that's not happening, it's peace. Well other than being ill-defined, it is also the most fragile word as it is dangling on the thinnest string of silence. Yes, silence, which is often treated as peace, is even more fragile as it can be broken merely by saying 'Silence'. We should be happy and relieved that at least there is no World War 3 (yet). Although various Nations have their issues with one another, that's not a real war, as it is being fought using diplomatic guns, Restriction, and Ban Bombs, and other such weapons of Mass Disturbance, though the causalities are real, losses are more physical but silent, so it's Peaceful. The People, called the General Public, of any Nation, metaphorically ...

Let's Begin Again

The Journey to Begin Again The Abyss of Darkness can be Challenged by a Flickering Candle. We read in books and hear stories , of several successful people. Most of them planned everything, assessed the time, understood the risk versus opportunity factor, calculated their moves, and stepped up accordingly. All these things took a lot of effort, labor, and determination. We applaud their hard work, and we should, those people and their stories inspire us. But then, there are certain stories in this lot, which teach us two very simple and ordinary yet most important lessons, two lessons, if seized on, could prove to be the defining factor. These are "Never Give Up" And "Begin Again". These lessons can't be grabbed individually, these are entangled with each other. None can be fruitful without the other, neither we can give up on life and start doing better, nor staying motivated without any action is going to make life better. The time shall pass but it won...

शिक्षक दिवस पर प्रकृति विशेष

आज शिक्षक दिवस और अंतररष्ट्रीय दान दिवस है,क्या संयोग है कि यह दोनों एक ही दिन हैं।शिक्षा का दान देकर हमें जीवन जीने के विभिन्न तरीकों से अवगत कराने वाले ही होते हैं शिक्षक,कम से कम परिभाषा तो ये ठीक है।वैसे इस पूरे साल की सबसे बड़ी शिक्षक रही है ये महामारी और एक समुदाय के तौर पर मनुष्य की इस पर प्रतिक्रियाएं। सर्वप्रथम और जो सर्वज्ञ बात इसने ये सिखाई कि मनुष्य की प्रकृति के आगे कोई बिसात नहीं है,यह सभी प्रकृति प्रदत्त संसाधन एक दान है,फिर भी मनुष्य ने स्वयं को सर्वशक्तिमान मानते हुए , इसके प्रेम और उदारता को कमजोरी समझ के सिर्फ इसका दोहन ही किया है और इसके परिणाम स्वरूप ये महामारी दे कर प्रकृति ने स्वयं को  स्वस्थ करने के साथ ये भी याद दिला दिया कि हम मनुष्यों की क्या औकात है। ये बात हमें भूलनी नहीं चाहिए कि हम सभी प्रकृति की तुलना में क्षण भंगुर हैं,और इसने हमें जीवन यापन हेतु आश्रय एवं उपयुक्त संसाधन दिए हैं। प्रकृति में यदि सांस लेने की हवा दी है तो उसके पास उस दूषित करके विषाक्त काल वायु बना देने की क्षमता भी है। उदाहरण अनेक हैं,कितने लिखे और बताए जा सकते हैं,मुख्य बात...

The Versions And The Truth

Truth-Relative-Narrative-Absolute   .....     What's the truth? I am not talking about any event, Somethings happened on so and so dates with so and so people, No, not those things. What we say is one must not tell lies, fine, agreed, but what's the truth, that is up for debate, because as far as I can think and have experienced "Truth about something is, the narration of facts by the person you are talking to", for me that's the truth. We preach and teach "Truth Always Prevails", nice lines I agree, but do these philosophies work in real life? Let's agree to disagree, from what I have observed when this works, we are left to say the "Truth Prevailed", with a sigh of relief, not because it happened, but because we do not have to fight for it anymore, at last something happened, and this brutal self suffocating reign is over. So now tell me, 'does truth always prevails, when it should? And when it does, it holds that value? The process o...

An ode to Sweden

An ode to Sweden The People of Sweden And I mean All those People Who love their Country (#Sweden) Burning of the book is not to be appreciated, you have all the rights to be angry, but not devour other religions, hatred is not going to bring you anything beautiful, not even a solution to the current problem. Always be Humanitarian but never at the cost of Losing your Culture, accept other's Traditions but not at your's Expense, be humble, be accepting, be respectful but do not lose your Ethnic heritage. Do not instigate anything that harms the peace harmony and beauty of your nation, but don't let anyone destroy it. You Ranked among the top countries in various indexes a few years back, do not let it get ruined. Do not be racist, don't Disrespect other's beliefs, but don't hesitate to retaliate against someone trying to malice the Pride of your Forefathers." Be it, anyone, even if it's one of you. Beware more, of the rats inside the house than t...

हफ्ते की ख़बर -२९/०८/२०२०

क्या लिखूं यार!! हिन्दुस्तान सुशांत सिंह राजपूत को न्याय दिलाने में जुटा हुआ है,यहां के सभी पत्रकार और न्यूज चैनल अपने अपने ढंग से उसकी कहानी सुना रहे हैं,और जनता घर में बैठी ये सब तमाशा मजे से देख रही है। इसमें किसी की गलती नहीं है,आधी आबादी बेरोजगार है, बची आधी में ज़्यादातर घर से ही काम कर रहे हैं। देश भर में जगह जगह बाढ़ अाई हुई है, देश की अर्थव्यवस्था उसमें डूब रही है,लोग अपने घरों को छोड़कर जा रहे हैं,महानगरों में पानी भरा हुआ है, और किसी में "आग भी लगी है"। राजनीति जस की तस चल रही है,कुछ अच्छे काम हो रहे हैं, कुछ उसमें टांग भी अड़ा रहे हैं। कहीं दोनों ही तरफ से अनदेखी हो रही है,और किसानों  और गरीबों का नुक़सान तो कॉन्स्टेंट है। बाकी छोटी मोटी खबरों पर कोई ध्यान देता नहीं है तो हम क्या ही बताएं!! अरे! करोना तो बचा ही हुआ है,ये भी एक नया कॉन्स्टेंट हो रहा है,और इसके इलाज के नाम पर अधिकतर निजी अस्पतालों में धांधली चल ही रही है।अब कोई सबूत मत मांग लेना !!! रोज़ के रोज़ हजारों लोग करोना पॉज़िटिव हो रहे हैं, लोग ठीक भी रहे हैं,ऐसी कोई बहुत घबराने वाली बात नहीं...

How it all Ends...

One has made it so far, walking through the fields where all his capabilities are left to die all his visions of life are wounded and everything is carnage. Self-realization induces self-deprivation and hatred and one sees the debt it has taken mortgaging the future. one can not think of anything but to destroy whatever is left. But destruction never brings peace it brings silence, an ominous silence.  Now, how the Journey would end, It's up to one's desire to fight back or stay down. What happens is totally one's choice, one can choose to stay downtrodden or get up and walk. Decisions are tough and they have their consequences, but one has to decide, at this point, there is no ambiguity. Either one's decision is to stay down and live on knees, or to rise up limping then walk then run and collect the pieces and from where ever you can preserve, persevere and  Just BEGIN AGAIN.....!!!!!                         ...

The carnage and it's effects

संहार का दृश्य चारों ओर फैला हुआ है, छूटे अवसर, गंवाया वक़्त,टूटे रिश्ते आदि, सब के अवशेष हैं यहां,कुछ मृत पड़े हैं,कुछ घायल हैं अंतिम सांसें गिन रहे हैं।यह दृश्य मनुष्य को अपने आत्म चिंतन की ओर धकेल देता है जिसमें उसे यह बोध होता है कि उसने बिना जाने कितनी क्रूरता से इन सभी को इस गति में पहुंचा दिया है। यह आत्म बोध उसे एक बोझ कि तरह लगने लगता है,जिसके भार से वह दबा चला जाता है एक अंत हीन अंध कूप में। जहां से बस वह यह देखता है कि उसके साथ के लोगों का जीवन कितना अलग और व्यवस्थित है,किसी के पास कम है किसी के पास ज्यादा पर सबका जीवन एक व्यवस्था के अनुरूप चल रहा है। फिर वह उस बोझ के साथ साथ स्वयं से घृणा करने लगता है और ये सोचने लगता है कि औरों ने उससे क्या क्या अलग किया। मनुष्य की सफलता उसको दिए जाने वाले सम्मान की सीधे आनुपातिक होती है।आम भाषा में कहें तो,आपकी औकात कितनी है,सिर्फ और सिर्फ यही कारक होता है,यही एक मापदंड होता है जो निश्चित करता है कि आपको कितना सम्मान मिलेगा। यही सत्य है,इससे अलग कोई कुछ कहे तो वह झूठा है,और ये बात सभी अपने अंतर्मन में भली भांति जानते हैं। सर्वप्रथम ...

A story of 'Perceptions'

  A story of Perceptions This story belongs to the part where one's realization takes place after being high on The New Drug for a long time and one day the 'trip' is over. The mind is open and sees that the relentless attitude has caused damage beyond repair. All that can be seen is carnage, and the voice inside the head cries out loud for its craving for normality. Someone told me this story one day, it was simple yet interesting in a very different way. I do not condemn or appreciate the idea behind it, instead, I find it fascinating in its own unique way, irrespective of one's involvement with The Drug. The story goes like this ,  "Once a child was born, he was fed, cleaned, and was brought up well. He grew up to be a man, he ate, slept, and lived long enough to grow old. And then he died. And so did my dog." I got the perspective of the person telling the story. But I do not agree with one thing which is what is wrong if someone wants to live a normal, si...

The New Drug

PROCRASTINATION The Journey begins with the first step, and its first step is Procrastination. This is not only a step in the journey but also a state of being or living. Once you enter into the state of procrastination you gain the delusion that time is endless for you and can always 'do later' things. It affects your capacity to prioritize your life's events and responsibilities. In other words, it can easily be said as it gives you a new type of drug. This drug is according to me 200 percent more addictive than any substance knows to you, I call it 'the living in today' drug. This 'living in today' drug makes alterations in the thought process and gradually makes substantial changes in it. Once on this drug, you will remain so high that doing or working for building a future or even thinking about it will make no sense to you, it will be more like "why should I be worried about not having something in the future and not enjoy my today?" I find t...

The Journey of Losing:- प्रारंभ

   The Journey of Losing Why would a human being choose to alienate itself, not from the society or the people or kiths and kind, but from its own self, its own character, the only differential thing of its whole existence? This self-deprivation leads to its weakening and eradication of its vision. The vision was once the sole axis of its whole working and functionality. What makes a human being begin the 'Journey of Losing.' If you fancy the blame game there will be a lot to go around, and most of which will come around to you, almost all actually. There were obvious circumstances that made you either choose or focus. Then other human beings made you do things or take the path which you do not wish to walk, then nature and destiny, etc and the list goes on. But if you look closely this down the hill journey began when you could neither continue on the path bestowed upon you nor have the courage to turn back and restart on the road of your choice. So this dilemma and its after...